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COSHH regulations say
Wherever mercury is used you must have the equipment to clear up a mercury spillage
Urine Analysis Service & Mercury Free Dentistry Report
Urine Analysis Service
Mercury effects from dental fillings (amalgams)
What is the problem with amalgam ?
Dental amalgam is made by mixing metal powders (silver, tin, copper and zinc) with mercury, which forms a paste as the metals dissolve in it, forming the amalgam. The paste is then transferred to the tooth cavity, compressed to squeeze out excess mercury, after which it sets hard. But amalgam mixes vary between manufacturers. The presence of different metal mixes in the mouth sets up small electric currents (much like biting on a piece of aluminium foil) which corrode the amalgam fillings, releasing mercury into the mouth.
Not surprisingly, many patients complain of a metallic taste or a sensation similar to having an electric battery in the mouth.
There are a growing number of medical publications of cases of ill-health in which the illness has been linked to mercury release from fillings. Most commonly cited are multiple sclerosis, nerve damage, reproductive problems, allergy and a general unexplained feeling of being unwell.
How do I know if I am affected ?
If any of the above applies to you, then a simple urine mercury test will show if mercury is being released into your body. We do this test routinely for dentists and dental staff who are exposed to mercury every day; it is very sensitive and precise, detecting down to 2 parts per billion of mercury in urine.
How does the test work ?
This is a simple 3-step process, the same as we provide for thousands of our dental professional customers:
· we send you a sample pack with full instructions
· you produce the urine sample then mail it back to us in the mailing box
· we analyse the sample and send you the comprehensive report within 7-10 days
The report gives you the numerical result for mercury concentration in your urine, and provides an easy to follow guide to its interpretation. This includes a clear indication of your result in the context of 'normal' and 'not normal' results; a checklist of other possible sources of mercury that may apply to you and your situation and lifestyle.
If the results are high, then the section of follow-up actions will help you to know what to do, and in what order, including identifying and contacting a dental professional to consider replacing your amalgam fillings.
We use an analytical laboratory which is accredited by the UK Health and Safety Executive, giving you full assurance of the quality of the analysis. The method used is atomic absorption spectroscopy, the most sensitive method possible for analysis of mercury in urine.
Is the test better than blood or hair analysis tests ?
Yes, it is well known that urine tests reflect the true body burden of mercury from all sources, whether inhaled as a vapour or dust, ingested or absorbed by the skin, and in organic or inorganic forms. In the case of leaking fillings, some conversion of mercury to the organic form will occur due to bacteria in the mouth and so this is another reason why urine analysis is the method of choice for accuracy for professionals.